i had a smashing new year's eve. thanks to u guys =)
i've always wondered how its like for these sharks to be living in a nightclub.... poor sharky-marky =(
Pei-Ling who came so far just to celebrate new year with us =)
here's to more better years to come....
Monday, December 31, 2007
How we 'WELCOMED" 2008
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Ready to Move On? Perhaps Not...
In another four days, 2007 will be comin to an end, and i'm having a very weird feeling. I'm anticipating the beginning of a new year, yet at the same time, dreading the end of a very good year. yah, 2007 turned out to be very good for me. i wouldn't say that i've accomplished a hell lot dis year, but yes, it was quite a fruitful year for me.
Looking back at the things i've lost and the things that i've gained, people i left or those who left me behind, and the new people that i've made acquaintance with, i can honestly say that there aren't that much regrets. now here i am, sitting in front of the computer after a tiresome day of packing my stuffs up into huge boxes, as i'm gonna shift to a new place before the year end, the sub-woofer set i've gotten for myself as a christmas present is playing Colbie Caillat's Bubbly, over and over again, as i reminiscent about some very memorable moments i had in 2007....
firstly, i have to admit that 2007 was a massive clubbing year for me, to the extend of i actually lost count on how many times did i went clubbing. sometimes its just 2-3 times a month, but sometimes its 2-3 times a week. so i think i've had enough of partying like crazy for .... like a life time? heheh, who am i kiddin, there's no such thing as too much partying =)
So here, i want to say a very HUGE tenh-cute to all my clubbing kakis :
Next on the list would be all the crazy moments i've had with my course mates, be it good or bad ones....
Then there's also the many gatherings/outings that i had with my coursemates...
this year, i'm very thankful that i've got a bunch of awesome housemates(housemaids) to moan and whine with. thanks to them, 365days seems to fly by just like that.... and now we're all goin our separate ways. but i know that the memories of 34 SS2/105 will stay with us, for a very long long time....
(To be continued....)
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
My 1st Christmas Present!!!
went to OU for movies with Jien-Ren. i wanted to watch Flower In The Pocket but he refused to accompany me, sobs... so ended up buyin tickets for I Am Legend. FYI, this movie kinda sucks. even for a movie buff like me, who is practically fond of any type of movies. but this one, tsk-tsk-tsk... they wud b better off naming it The Will Smith One Man Show.
even though the movie was a huge-huge-huge disappointment, i'm still vely happy tonite... COZ I'VE RECEIVED MY 1ST CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!!
HOHOHO!!! got this frm Jien-Ren =)
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
my life..... pre-christmas
well, nuthin much actually. had been doin loads of catchin up with my housemates n Chek since i came bek 2 PJ. m too lazy to write a long draggy essay here, so i'll let the pics do da talkin. most of da pics(except da 1st one) were taken in GreenWood cafe, where we practically spent everynite making fools of ourselves at.
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
a quiz for Malaysians?
i got this frm Manda's blog, try it, its kinda lame, but funny still =)
Congratulations Tenh Peng Sieng, you are 56% not Malaysian.
That means you're as Malaysian as...
Guy Sebastian !
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
back in action
finally, after three weeks of being back in my hometown, bein down with a nasty flu for the entire three weeks that is, i'm back in my soon to be ex-room in my soon to be ex-house in PJ. sigh, i'm gonna miss this room, this house, n everything & everyone in it..... sobs....
anyway, sorry that this blog had been abandoned for so long. its because i dun have a convenient access to internet back home.
overall, the three week had been comfortable, but boring, as dull as a plain dove in a white sack. so, to amuse myself, i took pictures. and here r sum of it, heheh.... be warned, they can cause infinite boredom....
this was taken durin the 13 hours long train-ride home.
my mom's homemade popiah, yummy....
indulging myself in some light reading on the balcony...
my house is very near to the Sg. Kelantan's riverbank
this is where i escape to durin my younger years
the large cranberry tree outside the balcony
these cranberries are super sweet!
LeeAnn & JaySern
JaySern always insist on wearing his helmet backwards, no matter how we try to correct him....sigh....
besides being sick & all, i manage to find the time & energy to spend a few days at my Grandpa's place in Terengganu.
guess wat tree is this?
yup! 'Mr. Tang's Girls'-- Ciku!!! i had to climb all the way up into the tree to take this shot due to the lack of zoom function on my camera phone.
this is actually a very old well. my great-grandmother buried her box of jewelery sumwhere around this well during wartime, n it was nvr recovered, even after all these years...
i seriously hav no idea wat these are...
caught my niece wandering off into the clouds...
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Sunday, December 09, 2007