heheh, da 'blog patrol' gave warning dy, so must up date my blog.
but since there's nuthin much to write about, cos i really dun feel like spillin my guts out here, i'll jus post sum nice pics i've taken lately.
ps: to whoever's in da photos, dun b angry ya =)
da staircase at utar...
unbearable cravings....
meow-meow & gracie
christy & meow-meow
feon, me & peng-peng, indulgin in the guilty pleasures in life...
peng-peng.... eating.... again....
multi tasking.... gettin sum much needed shut-eye while workin...
doin wat i do best.... curi tulang...
feon... modellin for our product....
loves my new bedsheet...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
updating for updating sake.
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
beauty in the flaws
it is often those small things around us that we nvr paid any attention or bothered to notice...
it can also be those minor events that take place every few seconds in our daily life....
we might be so used to them that we won't even spare a quarter of a second to take a glance,
but if we refrain frm all the tiresome task that fills up our daily life and take a second look,
if we bother to look at them closely...
their beauty can be breath-taking...
with torn up wings, this poor thing could barely fly...
i took this while stoppin at a red light, on my way to my student's house in kota damansara...
we were in da car, stuck in da traffic. this buildin sumhow caught my attention...
this piggy shattered into small pieces, but i sumhow managed to glue all da pieces back together...
well, at least most of it tat is =P
last but not least, a corner in my room.
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Monday, May 21, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Life... and something like that
its 1.26am, n i'm suppose to be sleepin as its another workin day tomolo. but i juz cant seem to fall asleep properly. had been tossing and turnin in bed for almos 3 hours dy, but sumhow my feelin r so stirred up i cant seem to get any proper sleep.
feelin hungry, wanted to eat sum donuts but found tat it smells a bit weird dy, so better not. sigh.... insomnia.... i guess this is wat they call post-traumatic experience...
two days ago, on thursday nite to be exact, i couldnt slept da entire nite. my heart was beatin at an abnormal pace, sweat keep cumin out of my palms and foot, cold sweat. why, why didn't i dodge. i suppose there was enough time. but i jus froze. the only thing tat flashed through my mind was him. as the car sped towards me, i took a step backward, but tats it. i jus stared at the green proton wira as it ran into me. the only thing that i murmured to my self( or more to my subconscious mind) is that "this is it, this is where it ends."
but it didn't. the pain at tat time was unbearable, but i got away with barely any injuries at all. even though the car stopped exactly on top of my left foot, and my body smashed onto the car as it pinned my foot... i felt as if da bones in my foot are shattered before it went numb, and before i knew it i was on the ground squealing in pain. but tats it. in the car, on da way to da hospital, i was in pain as my leg felt like it jus got ran over by a car, literally. E-lyn was comfortin me and constantly checkin for anything wrong with me. but i couldn't express myself properly, as my thoughts were still no where to be traced. at da hospital, sittin on da wheel chair, i looked at all d other patients around me. suddenly, it struck me, that i'm okay. i'm very well and still alive. its not everyday tat sumone go through all that and escape with barely a scratch. but i manage to do so. so maybe i should be counting my blessings(quoting E-lyn) cos i m indeed lucky.
and him, i noe or at least i like to think tat he's watching over me. i keep gettin into one accidents after another. but everytime i manage to escape with the least of injuries. and this time, the worst part of my 'gettin-run-over-by-a-car' experience is jus da part where i had to receive an injection of pain-killer. I HATE NEEDLES!!! oh, and not to forget that extremely rude female doctor who treated me in the 'bitchiest'' way possible. and even though my pelvic region now hurts like hell, but i guess i'm wokay.
really, i'm wokay...
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
my love and hate relationship with camera phone
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
i'm petrified.
petrified by thoughts.
thoughts of me going to sleep,
and will never be able to wake up,
ever again.
so i stay awake,
and can't seem to fall asleep.
as i'm petrified.
petrified by that fate,
that fate that seems so unlikely,
but did befallen someone dear to me.
so i stay awake,
dreading every second that crawls away,
counting every minute that drips along,
my wide awaken thoughts.
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
pathetic weekends
its a saturday, but yet here i am sittin infront of da pc, listenin to Elliot Yamin's '
wait for you', freshly showered, hair neatly combed, smothered by nostrils stinging perfume, and all ready to go and stand another day as one of the three real life mannequin in Low Yatt.
Sigh, ever since i've started dis job(under sum serious calculations, i think tat happened sumwhere around.... last week) i've been dreading every weekend. who wouldn't if they have to spend the whole day standing around feelin utterly useless.
me, feon n geok ping were very excited in startin da job in the first place. we were promised loads of gud things that supposedly would cum frm dis job. but in the end, nuthing is what it cracked up to be.
however, we should not be complainin rite, cos at least we do get paid hourly for our uselessness. or don't we now?(well, tat's another story) well, at least its a great opportunity to go sumwhere public n crowded n stare at ppl. i tend to do that. i would stand there da whole day, staring at interesting ppl passing by, heheh...
well, i will try to take /steal sum pics of our workin condition(instead of jus pics of our lunchbreaks) for those who r interested in knowin how miserable our workin condition is, heheh... till then, i will stay in my positive thinking box, muaheheheheh...
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Friday, May 11, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
The Jenga Craze
we jus can't get enuf of it =)
..... and pics of jolin the mayo freak =P
and my cute banana boat (^_^)
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
Rolling left rolling right
Monotonous images reflected in hazel
Beats of lashes time and time again
Shimmering light glided long across
As memory stings my emptied beating soul.
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Monday, May 07, 2007
Sunday, May 6, 2007
picture diary----2nd day of workin
our lunch break, at time square.
finally, a pic of me, heheh...
our 2nd job, doin 'gui-ling-gao' ad, muaheheheh...
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Sunday, May 06, 2007