my TP life had been pretty damn hectic. everynite, i wud stay up til around three, surfin da web for teaching materials or straining my tiny mind trying to cook up new activities for the four classes i teache. not to mention the occasional sports day, ohhh, and today happens to be one of'em, where i have to spent the day standing under the hot glaring sun, until i can smell myself burning like an over-toasted gardenia bread, & trust me, i'm not so gud tat u can eat me on my own.
yesterday was the worst, i was feeling a bit under the weather, coughing like hell and m havin a slight fever(compliment of last week's sports day). so after screamin away my left-over voice in the first two classes, i had no more left for the third and final class of the day. and this class is the most naughty and misbehaving one among the 4. hence, the only thing i could do was just giving them the coldest, sharpest and scariest stares i could possibly do(without my eyeballs falling out from their sockets) . u noe, like one of those korean or japanese floor crawling horror movie long haired ghostly stares. i didn't want to threaten them or get them into serious trouble by sending them to the penyelia's office. (cos apparently, tats wat i was told to do by the penyelia petang, after she got complains about my class makin too much noises). anyway, it worked a bit, n the class was frightened by my bone-chilling stares. (sneer*, amateurs)
i bought this yesterday, i needed sumthin to cheer me up every school day, so i pinned it on my school bag.
ohhh, almost forgot, sum pics taken today =)
well, it turns out that i was too preoccupied by my timekeeping duty, tat this was the oni pic i manage to snatch.
geok ping always complains tat i post hideous pics of her. so to make up for it, here's a nice one.
on da way home, wen hui driving in the massive traffic jam.
jus so happy tat da day is over (^_^)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
trainee teachers= free slaves + better fashion sense
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Da title sounds kinda kinky doesn't it? heheh
well, i haven't updated my blog for a few days now. m too tired to do anything nowadays.
well, here i am now at almost 2am, infront of the computer, typing lastweek's lesson plans, while munching on sum really tasty brown rice crackers(thanks to christine). pathetic isn't it?
well, my 1st week at school was terrible. hence, i'm now very determined not to becum a teacher. school have been very stressful, teaching, lesson plans, paperwork, formal attires.... everything is jus stressing me out to the max. to d extend tat i'm picking up my old bad habit again-----smoking. i know its unhealthy, but i jus need sumthing to ease my nerves. sigh....
the worst part about last week, must be the acara saringan for the school's sport's day at stadium MPPJ in kelana jaya. i had to spend da whole day under the merciless sun, as the time-keeper. now i'm havin a bad cough dy, arghhhhh.....
anyway, here r sum pics of tat day.
The infamous MPPJ stadium
geok ping punya sexyback
me.... posing for da camera(cos ther's no other reasons to smile)
all sun-burned dy...
finally, can go home dy.
next Thursday got sports day pulak. & not only i hav to be da time keeper again, this time i have to take part & race, ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I HATE MY TEACHING PRACTICE!!!!
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
it's time....
its time to upload those kanasai pictures of da months again, so, here goes....
da most kanasai punya cheap publicity of the year, da winner is... do i nid to spell it out for u?
da cutest feet warmer of da year, definitely my fifi & fafa (left is fifi, rite is fafa)
da most kanasai frens of da month, this two la, who else...
we were actually tryin to portray how da cops usually makan rasuah, but i guess my great actin alone is not enuf to make up for da lack of talent on my co-star's side....
da most kanasai pic of an old hag tryin desperately to recapture her long-long-long-long-long lost childhood. (poor thing)
but the worst is yet to come....
da most unlikely cross-dresser of da month......
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
my big breakfast
dis mornin i woke up relatively early(around 10 instead of da usual 11), so had sum extra time to spare. hence, instead of da usual roti-&-cup-noodle-diet, i decided to cook myself sum pasta as breakfast instead, heheh....
& i took a nice pic of my masterpiece summore =)
'looks delicious huh =)'
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
teaching had been exhausting(gosh, i sound like i've been teachin for years)
d afternoon session totally sucks, BIG TIME!!!
da students are all tired and excited at da same time(and tat is not a very gud combination), hence their attention span can at most last for ten minutes. after that, i hav to keep shoutin my throat out.
i sooooo dun wanna be a teacher.....
p.s: mind the extremely short post. m too tired to even blog properly.
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
too much umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh....
i hate rainy days.
dun get me wrong, i love the low temperature and sound of rain outside my window.
but i just hate the damp air, the earth shaking thunder, and the gloomy feeling that cums along with such weather.
i guess its another one of my love hate relationship.
the view frm inside peter gan's car, as blurry as my thoughts at the moment...
see wat i mean? G.L.O.O.M.Y!!!
the other side of a gloomy rainy day.
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
pain management
'please take good care of them, wherever they are....'
pain, it cums in many shapes and sizes. some cums in the slightest sensation, a subtle tide that builds up around us slowly, until we catches our last breath. some come to us like a big thunderstorm, waves that splashes against our feet as the water level continue to grow higher and higher until we are defeated by da menacing waves of grief.
i've been through many types of pain, but so far none can compare to the pain of loosing someone, especially if that sumone means a lot to you. for me, the pain of going through this is like a nest of fire ants. a few of them will come and find my heart, i will feel a tingling pain as they sink their teeth into it. more will cum following them, and the pain will grow more and more. until finally, as time passes by, my heart will be covered by them as they make a nest out of it. once they've settle down, they will nvr go away, until my heart dries up and there's nuthin left inside.
i admit, i don't do well in handling pain, especially this type of pain. i will act and behave in a different way, usually the complete opposite of how i'm feelin inside. i will keep on mumbling to my self, or worst still, babbling out rubbish to others. but once i'm alone and quiet down, i can't stop the pain from releasing themselves. no matter how hard i try to hold them, they will keep flowing out. i just hope that all this pain, these many many pain, will eventually go away and no longer cling to me....
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Celebrate gud-time cummon!!!
today's our last day workin in low yatt plaza.
we've been dragging our sleepy ass there every saturday & sunday mornin for a bout two weeks dy. spendin every single day there pretending to be a part of the computer/gadgets/technology savvy community. squeezing out every final drop of our brain fluid to answers all the technology-jargon-packed-questions frm condescending customers while ignoring patronizing stares & comments frm sum of the workers there.
now, finally, we are freeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! f.u.c.k.i.n.g. FREE!!!!
'me, reluctantly takin pics with my two comrades...'
'me, at my station in All IT...'
'da gurls, a kodak moment, say konica...'
'me & g.peng, at fusion cafe for our usual "steal-snake" YAM-CHAR SESSION....'
last but not least.....
'ciao, low yatt!'
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Sunday, July 01, 2007