Saturday, November 17, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
All The Things I Wanna Write About...
I wanna write a poem
A poem about love
A poem about love at first sight
A poem about a special love
A poem about your love
And mine
A poem that can be sung at weddings
A poem that can be recited in front of a million crowds over and over again
A poem
About us
I wanna write a story
A story about how a boy meets his better half
A story about how chemistry flew over the roof
A story about how the boy fell head over heels
A story that ends with a love
Between this two people
A story that we will read to our children during bedtimes
A story that will touch all the hearts that flips through it over and over again
A story
About us
I wanna write a song
A song about the way you smile
A song about the way you move
A song about how you smell right beside me
A song about how i fell in love
And stayed in love
A song that will sell millions of records
A song that will be played on the stereo in our cozy little apartment over and over again
A song
About us
And all of this
Poem, story and song
I shall save them in a flash drive
If it can't be squeezed into a flash drive
Then I'll burn them into a DVD
If its still too big for a DVD
Then I'll get an external hard-disk
If it still can't be contained by such
Then I'll have no other ways
To present to you
All this feelings that I have inside
But to give to you
Me, wokay? =)
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Waiting in Silence
Quivery lip
Standing as the dark wind menaces
A long shadow reflected under flickering light
Left arm embracing the right
A deep smoky breath blend with the wind
So cold it burns the surface drenched in sweat
Still, untainted passion continues to flame
Fueled by hope of a promise left unkept
Waiting..... my heart beats growing weaker by the day
Waiting..... my beliefs withering like ashes in open air
Waiting..... my eyes glows as its darkened by sneering glances
Waiting..... without the knowledge of a future
Waiting..... without your words to tell me that its worthwhile
Waiting..... within this empty dark corner that freezes along time
Waiting..... clinging merely to a blurry image of you
as immortals shatter into a thousand pieces
fading into nothing more than just.......
the emptiness that awaits
Posted by
Derick Tenh P.S
Friday, November 02, 2007