I stood there, cold bitterly
Dawning wind piercing the clothes that wrap me
Suffocating, my hands tremble
From fear, adrenaline, will be forever buried
Hatred bare lay in front of my eyes
Behind my conscience, guilt
Failing on me, a step closer
You will do this
You must do this
I told myself, forcing a smile mirthless
Those brats deserve this
An eye for an eye, sneering
Its not in my hand, yours
Red soaking, my mission
Defend the defenceless and stand against despotism
You’ve violated me, my heart vandalized
Soul raped, conscience torched in anguish flame
“This is it, this is where it all ends.
What a life it was, some life.”

I feel very sorry for him. I think that if only someone reached out to him when he was going through his toughest moments, he would have been...at least normal now.
Yet at the same time, he can't blame his past or how life treated him. A lecturer he shot, was a Holocaust survivor; I couldn't imagine a more difficult and suffering life than being a part of this black, violent history. And he moved on, overcame his horrendous past and became a lecturer in Virginia Tech Uni only to find himself shot by some nut who apparently "couldn't cope with life".
Give me a break.
i have to say that i'm strongly against the way he chose to handle his problems. instead of overcomin them, he took away many innocent lifes. many out of the 32 didn't deserved to die such a horriffic death. like he said 'there was thousand of ways to avoid all this frm happenin'. but why, why didn't he figure out his own way instead of jus blaming others.
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