The news broke
Quiet silence of a Sunday morning
Deafen me by numbness
Of a feeling yet too familiar
You left, even though I though you never would
Phone rang and tears overflow
But not mine, no longer mine
Since when did
You cease to speak and I listen
Where did time tug away your smile
As I look at you and grinned, silly
We shared candies we shared jokes
All buried as you decided to forget
As I decided to hate and move on
I blame none
No one but you for her death
Horrible horrible thoughts flash
As I whimper beside her casket
She loved me and you took her away
We mattered to her, not you
But you had to, you have to
I don’t see
Why this emotion is storming inside
Can’t apprehend the tears that well
As I work through my day
Like it was a beautiful weather
As you lie there stiff
My cold heart aches, and shatters again.

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