I lie there
Fully conscious
Sensory intensified
Bludgeoned, My skull
Smashed into hundred ten pieces
Flaming blood splashes across
A faithful face I trust
A face too familiar
Yet so distant with cold
A face that's alive
But so near to my death
I lie there
Fully conscious
Dumbfounded, My trust
Breached by the obsolete kindness
I once showed to you and your kind
As my eye gape in terror
A pair of bloody hands
Along many many other hands
Smashing and slashing
Every drop of life
Out of every single inch of my flesh
Where is the knowing that should be guiding the gullible
Where is the strong that should be protecting the weak
Where is the civilised that should be enlightening the innocent
Where is the merciful that should be loving the forgotten
Where is the tall and mighty that should be sheltering the rest
If killing me is merely a sport
Than my tomorrow will be the prize to pay
Airplane Etiquette
Airplane passengers annoy me the most. Before listing their annoying
habits, I would like to suggest to airline companies to look into
establishing comme...
8 years ago
Hey Mr Derick! I found your blog! And it's like Sarah's one. =)
to nic: oi! i don't think he takes that as a compliment and in fact, it might be/IS a HUGE insult!!
Nic! Great minds think alike!
haha! Yes!I got Mr Derick's approval!haha!!I have a great mind as Mr Derick!
Nic, i think this is what they call syok sendiri :P
haha..yup, it's called syok sendiri. But in bahasa Sarawak, it's called 'gai!'.So nicky Gai GAi GAI!! Haha. Sarah is quite fond of this word actually. ;)
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