Saturday, December 29, 2012

Just One at a Time

I live my life one day at a time, 

I walk my path just one step at a time,
I breathe in and out but one breath at a time,
I'm grateful for life one blessing at a time.

I cherish every moment one heartbeat at a time,
I refuse to give in one silver lining at a time,
I reach up for the sky one star at a time,
I believe in fairytales just one page at a time.

I drain and dry my sadness one teardrop at a time,
I piece my poetry together just one tiny word at a time,
I hum and sing my secret anthem just one tune at a time,
I fail and learn from it one mistake at a time.

I hide and heal from it all one bruise at a time,
I close my eyes and forget but one evil glare at a time,
I picked myself back up one stumble at a time, 
I've lost then love even harder one life time at a time.