Sunday, March 2, 2008

MY statement

Dried up in a corner

Two poles stiffed from ceaseless waiting

Two windows glared from burning emotions

And a consistent beating

That speaks of nothing but wants

Wants, wants and endless wants

Wanting to be noticed

Wanting to be respected

Wanting to be heard

Wanting to be obeyed

Wanting to be forgiven

Wanting to be admired

Wanting to be loved

Wanting, to be wanted

Words keep pouring out

From my mouth, from your mouth

From all their mouths

All speaking in different languages

Singing in different tunes

Demanding different things

To be done in different ways

Everyone is yelling

But no one is listening

Every tongue is explaining

But no ears are willing to apprehend

Instead of taking a step back

We choose to step on each other’s nerves

Until all the signals drift away

And there’s no longer communication

Even between people who call themselves friends

Is it wrong for different minds to have different thoughts?

Is it not right for two voices to sing different songs?

Is it difficult for two people to agree on one thing?

And is it utterly impossible for us all to just get along?

Why would I want to be on top?

If it means that I have to step over others

Why would I want to stand up front?

If it means pushing others aside

Why would you want all this?

If you know that you’ll eventually be left alone

Standing on a pedestal too high above everyone else

Where your voice reach nothing but yourself

As you embrace yourself and freeze a lonesome death

Is that really what you want?


Anonymous said...

I like the poem...finally something i can relate to and understand with just a flash of reading.

I guess sometimes what you want is not what you need...and what you need is not actually what you want...

I know that i have gotten on your nerves at times and i have wronged you in ways undefined but deep down once a friend always a friend and i am sorry for being less of a friend especially when i get emotional.

Thanks for being there for me. I appreciate it=)

Derick Tenh P.S said...

well, words remain as words.