Friday, October 16, 2009

15 confessions

1. i'm a huge fan of Britney, Mariah, Shakira and wonderpets!

2. I collect children's book, especially beautifully illustrated ones.

3. I cry and eat Mc'D sundaes when i'm sad. highest record so far would be 6 sundaes in a row.

4. I love romantic comedies.

5. I don not plan ahead, especially when it comes to life. live the minute, free yet reckless.

6. I can be extremely short-tempered at times, and tend to say or do things that i would regret of later on.

7. I try my best not to feel regret of what had been done, as its obviously pointless.

8. I'm extremely clumsy and absent-minded. You won't believe my track record.

9. Insecurity is my Achilles's heel, I lack confident and is extremely afraid of being alone.

10. I had only one serious relationshiop before, and it lasted for 2 years, but was only good for one. It dragged on as i refused to see the truth.

11. I like teaching. I like to do a lot of things actually. but socializing is not one of them.


I don't believe in relationship anymore.

but i am constantly in fear of missing out on love and the one, then growing old and dying alone.

13. I hate people who lie to me. i will never give my full trust to someone who does so, even once.

14. I'm secretly self-destructive, and self contradictory. Afraid of being alone, yet enjoy solidarity, hence, keep a safe distance from everyone.

15. I might say otherwise, but i think watching movies alone is the saddest thing on earth.