Saturday, September 13, 2008

when 3 life-less ppl sit on a lotus

just got bek frm a long anticipated yam-char session with my sai-mui & yee-mui.
had a tey-tayrek special, malaysian lemon-ice syrup, and malaysian chocolate ice, plus quite a few sticks of heaven.
it just feels really good to be able to sit down n chat with my Christines. and my yee-mui's man-tao jokes really made me laugh. (thanks, i really needed it)
here's a pretty picture i took of the two of'em. sai-mui said its been a very long time since anyone had given her flowers, so i decided to photoshop some for her. n i'm always a fair tailou, so my yee-mui oso got. muahahaha.....

ps: aren't they lovely. the flowers i mean =P


Chris Chai said...

AHAHHAA!! my tailou is always the smartest la!! ahahhaaha!!! wouldnt know what to do if i aint got u and yee mui, man! ahaha! :)

suyin said...

why got flower on my head one? what's this!!!!! do i have anything there........

Derick Tenh P.S said...

sai-mui: yes, we noe. u wud be 'lost without US', muahahaha....

yee-mui: no lar, i'm just trying to distract ppl frm ur boobies(whose apparently performing a disappearing act at the moment, hope they cum bek soon) and it's very successful i see, kekeke...