Thursday, October 4, 2007

For Myself.... Dedicated To Adrian & Jerry (^_^)

I and YOU


Sitting there in solitary

Sitting there where I can see you

Flashing me that much needed white

A warm blooming fleur

When I’m flooded by lonesomeness

When the glaring scowl burns my skin

When I can see nobody else around

You are always there, lingering


Flipping through pages of a book

Your mellow voice pronounces

Every single vowels and stresses

As I lie beside staring blankly

Picturing every scene and action

Vividly describing the colours and emotions

While all these pupils can visualize

Am you

Lying warm under a freezing blanket

My left toe touches another

Arms embracing around vulnerable skin

Curtains dance, celebrating nothingness

As I open closed eyes and see you

Breaking out of everything but silence

With prayers of thanks

For you

Found and never lost

It’s you I’ll hold on till the sun finishes its cycle

Even if there’s nothing left in this hollow world

And mercy is a page of yesterday’s history

I shall hold and never let go

Because all I ever ever needed

Am you


Amirza1983 said...

nicely written.

Derick Tenh P.S said...

thank you =)
care to introduce urself?

Anonymous said...

He is Amirza, 25. He's a law student in UITM, final sem, final year...

Thanks for the beautiful poem...we appreciate it...By the way, this is just me asking...does it come in a card?